Thursday, June 05, 2008

my first post in my brand new blog...
my lyfe changed alot now
ive got brand new friends who i can count on...yay!!
i find my lyfe more meaningful now
i never regret joining
i feel happy, no, veri no!! VERIX1000 happy!!
i am so in lurve with them!!
they made my day everyday is 1 part of my lyfe dat i'll never 4get
let me repeat NEVER 4get
so if i 4get them, it means dat im alreadi senile..hehehe
so you cant blame!
i finally got in to terms with mom..
she's funny sumtymes
made me laugh alot n i feel realli at ease talking to her
eventhough she got me wrong sumtymes
haiz.... lyfe has itz ups and downs
even the tongue gets bitten by the teeth
what more your relationship with others
it gets nasty sumtymes but it actualli made dat relationship stronger
now, i understand dat phrase. lol!
mom's fine, brother's fine but dad....
he's been realli2 strict lately
i do not know why
it realli is not him at all
he is usually the one who keeps quiet but firm when he knows we go overboard
very seldom he raised his voice to me or keep on calling me to get home
im realli confused
the change is realli sudden
as a daughter i know i have to understand
he is in a difficult position himself
coping with work, mom, mi and brother
sigh... he's realli hard to understand these days
im just hoping he would change and be his normal self